Paul Bunyan Grand Parade
May 31, 2025 • 11:00am
The Grand Parade is an opportunity to view local and visiting performances, floats, cars, kids, and horses. Be prepared to be wowed by the marching bands from local schools. There will be plenty of classic cars as well!
The Paul Bunyan Grand Parade starts at 7th & Railroad Ave., travels to 2nd Street, takes and left
and returns to 7th on Franklin St.
PARADE ENTRIES for 2025 Available Soon
Commercial entries in the parade are a great way for organizations to show community support. Local businesses in various industries like shellfish, forestry, insurance, emergency services, utilities, and more make up a large portion of the pageantry of parade day.
Non-profit groups and organizations are always highlights of the parade. From honoring our veterans to guiding our youths these organizations promote good will in our community each and every day.
Look for entries from the Boy and Girl Scouts, Shriners, American Legion, 4-H, and various equestrian groups- just to name a few.
Parade participants even compete for various awards in several categories. The unique award plaques have been designed and produced by local high school students. Some of the award categories include Grand Sweepstakes, Grand Marshall, Motorized Vehicles, Spirit, Creativity, Novelty, Equestrian, Bands, Dance/Drill, and more.
The Forest Festival Parade committee encourages organizations to get creative and be part of the annual Forest Festival Paul Bunyan Grand Parade. Come out and enjoy the parade as a spectator, after all it wouldn’t be a parade without the community!
Don’t forget Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox!
Parade entry details.
If you wish to be staged with another entry (i.e. you are riding in another’s vehicle) we need to know this at the time of application. We cannot guarantee entries will be staged together unless we receive the information in advance. Unless you are contacted by the Parade Chair, your parade entry is accepted and you will be included in the line-up. Questions? parade@masoncountyforestfestival.com
Any entry requiring a “scooper” must do a thorough clean up along the parade route.
All entries must submit proof of liability insurance with the application.
Car clubs may enter as a group and provide the clubs blanket insurance.
Community units (i.e. Boy/Girl Scouts, bands, dance groups, etc.) must provide a copy of a liability policy that covers entry members.
Motorized units must carry a regulation fire extinguisher.
Groups may hand out candy, etc. along the parade route – but it may not be thrown from your unit on to the street or to the spectators.
Passengers, including those riding on floats, on trailers or in truck beds must have and use seatbelts, safety harnesses or handholds.
Commercial entries (i.e. it advertises your business) pay a $50 entry fee There is no fee if you are a Festival sponsor.
Candidates running for public office must pay a $100 entry fee. Officials currently holding a public office and seeking re-election, are a candidate.
Entries are encouraged to be decorated using the annual theme (Roots in Wood, Strength in Water), including music and animation.
Visiting festivals are encouraged to incorporate this festival’s theme into their entry.
Entries will be staged along Railroad Ave. from 7th to 12th and along the side streets. Float drivers may unload on Railroad and then move the towing vehicles to Franklin near Loop Field.
Unit numbers and information will be available at the Parade Check-In located at 7th & Railroad. Check-in will be open at 7:30AM
All units need to be checked in by 9:30AM and at your staging area. This is imperative so the parade organizers can identify any missing or out of place units prior to the beginning of the parade.
Pre-judging begins at 9:45AM. Pre-judging includes floats, classic cars, and commercial & community entries.
Units judged on the parade route are marching units, dance units, bands, drill, flag, equestrian and others that include a performance. The judges will be located at the announcers booth at 5 th and Railroad.
Units not included in pre-judging may line up at anytime, but need to be in the staging area not later than 10:30AM.
Parades occur rain or shine, so be sure to dress for the weather.