Forest Festival Memories
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“In 1966, I was just shy of six. Mom got the idea that Dad could fix up my tricycle like a Simpson Railroad locomotive, with a log car behind it, and my brother could be a logger while I was the engineer. It was a big secret between Mom and Dad, but my brother and I were going to be in the Mason County Forest Festival Kiddie Parade.”
Scott Tanner | Kiddie Parade Participant, 1966
Art Tozier & Shayne Larsen, 1967
“The royalty decision was announced during 1st period class. It was agreed that the Shelton High candidates would go into the office as a group so we would all hear the decision together. When I walked into my zero period class, one of the judges was my substitute teacher. We spent the entire hour working hard to not look at one another – I knew she knew the name of the 1967 Forest Festival Queen, and she was determined to not give anything away.”
Shayne Larson Frankel | Queen 1967